Hello, and thanks for taking the effort to check out our website.
We here at Brosis are devoted to becoming the world's biggest movement ever created, A movement that spans world wide and stops the senseless destruction of our wonderful planet.
We hope you will sign up and encourage your group, organization, company, church, union, political party etc. to become the movement that finally civilizes the human race.
We can not keep sending our children off to different parts of the world to kill each other and expect the world to become a better place. We can’t keep letting our dignitaries and politicians and the people that control them continue with their lavish lifestyles all while keeping our secrets and being the largest carbon footprint of all of society combined.
So sign up now and let's become the voice of our future generations so that they can inherit a civilized planet.. We welcome your thoughts and opinions and need your help for this movement to become reality so please sign up and let them be known on our group chat. And receive monthly news letters. Let’s begin…